Guru Nanak Dev DSEU Rohini Campus

At the Guru Nanak Dev DSEU Rohini Campus, we were warmly invited to deliver an inspiring lecture titled “How to achieve your dream.” Right at the main entrance, we were welcomed with overwhelming hospitality, setting a positive tone for the entire visit.

The students exhibited an impressive level of enthusiasm and engagement during our event. Their active participation significantly contributed to the success of our lecture. It was gratifying to see how the information and ideas we presented resonated with open minds and interested individuals.

After this fulfilling experience, the day was concluded with a delicious lunch. The opportunity to interact with the students in a more informal setting helped forge positive connections and brought a pleasant close to the day.

Armed with renewed energy, we returned to our activities, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to deliver a similarly enriching lecture at the next university. The success at the Guru Nanak Dev DSEU Rohini Campus has further motivated us to continue sharing our message with enthusiasm and conviction.


Certificate of Appreciation

WebSite Guru Nanak Dev DSEU Rohini Campus